Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Zittity Do Da

As you might be able to establish from the title...today's topic is Zit's!!!

I have one!!!

It's huge!!!!

Why is it fair that at my age I have a zit the size of Montana on my face??? I think it's punishment for living the first 30 years of my life relatively zitless. But when you think about it, haven't I been punished enough because I've had to deal with being overweight all my life? (Except those few months in 1979 of course...ahhh, the memories.)

I can't wait to see what my 50's are going to bring....30's brought out the zits and my 40's saw the emergence of the little black hairs that sprout on my chin overnight. At this point I'm leaning towards my teeth spontaneously falling out or a new embarrassing Georgia law named Melissa’s Law about breasts having to be on leashes if they droop too far or swing too wide.

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