Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm A Whinner....ummm....I mean I'm A Winner!!

Woohoo! Down 2.6 lbs this week. Ok, the Woohoo! was a little sarcastic, but I actually am happy....more like a woohoo with less volume (woohoo). This loss officially put me at the 70 lb mark so that's good.

1 guinea pig + 1 ostrich egg + 1 chihuahua + 1 elephant penis = 70 lbs.

I have my appointment with my endocrinologist the first week of May and with any luck I will get the official news that my Graves Disease is in remission. Keeping my fingers crossed! I'd love to get off the meds and maybe my thyroid will revert back to normal instead of it's current hypo status. Since I had no cable or Internet this weekend, and I had to stick by the house "just in case" the cable company could come out early I spent most of my weekend cleaning. And in the process of cleaning I not only shredded all my bank statements from the 80's but I found my old WW booklets from 2003-2004 (not to mention the one from Jan 2005 - Feb 2005, the one from June 2005 - August 2005 and the one from May 2006 - July 2006!).

Below is my loss/gains between 2/12/04 and 4/17/04:

- .8 (what happened to me that week I have to wonder!)

Do you notice anything missing from those numbers (besides the fact that I didn't have a gain)???

That stupid .2 that seems to haunt me these days!

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