Sunday, April 15, 2007

Just How Lost Was I?

I came home Thursday to find that my internet and TV were both out! Thursday is my favorite TV night, and I can't seem to focus on anything when I don't at least have background noise from the TV going on. And not being about to get on the internet...well, you might as well have broken all my fingers! I tried reading with the radio as background noise and I tried sleeping with the radio as background noise. But the only station I could get was one that played songs from the 70's and I found myself trying to remember words and singing along with the songs instead of reading/sleeping. The first appointment opening the cable company had was for this morning between 10-12 (of course, they didn't make it here until 2:15). It turns out that they accidently disconnected my service instead of my neighbors (this is the 3rd time that has happened since I've bought my townhouse). But after 3-1/2 days without TV or internet I'm back up and running!

I log in my calories & exercise online so I'm days behind and at this point I'm hoping that I haven't gone over any of the days that I was without a computer. I should be ok, but it is so easy to get off track when you do things one way and then are suddenly forced to go back to the old fashioned way - it's so easy to forget to write down the unexpected/unplanned items (like that extra package of oatmeal I ate on Friday because I was still hungry at 10...better write that one down right now!!). But the scales are looking good so far (good, not great!) so I'm assuming that I stayed within my calorie range.

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