Monday, April 02, 2007

I love Mondays!

Today was a new day! I took all my goodies into work and with the exception of the candy (keep in mind, I spent $100+ on the candy for the whole office so there was quite a bit of it) and 4 sugar cookies all the food was gone by 10 this morning! Both the food for the office and the bunny bags for the girls were big hits!!

And the office is back to normal - I actually managed to get some of my work done for a change!!! And I got even more done since I was so busy venting in my last post that I completely forgot to change my clock back so I ended up getting up at 3 instead of 4.

Program wise, I've done great today. Water, food and exercise - all accounted for and I feel good that I'm back in focus. WI is tomorrow. I'm still playing the "I'm going to be ticked no matter what" ticket, but I'm actually looking forward to getting it over with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! You are such a doll bringing in tons of candy for your coworkers and those easter baskets!! So cute! I wish I worked with you! But not for the candy.. you couldn't let me near that :) Those people better be nice becuase you're going above and beyond your coworkerly duties!

I'm glad work is going somewhat back to normal, and you're back on plan.. of COURSE you are. Report back tomorrow after your WI, and good for you for playing the un-ticked card. You ate under 1000 calories for most of the week? Heck, I think you might be pleasantly surprised (but I don't know how the heck you did that.. when I get stressed or busy at work I just shove my face)

Have a great week Melissa!