Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Weigh In

I'm down another 1.8 this week. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite enough to keep me on track for my goal of 10 lbs per month. February is a short month, but I'm going to have to try hard as heck to make up the difference because I really want to be in Onederland by October!!

Work wise, I'm exhausted! I keep running into road blocks and other obstacles along the way that completely wreck havoc with the progress I'd made with my project. But I am ultimately getting some where! And it's a challenge so I'm happy!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 1.8!!!

What do you do for work?

Melissa said...

Thanks! As far as work - I wish I could say that I do something exciting (I've always wanted to be a PI!!) but I'm just a plain 'ol office worker now. I'm still trying to get adjusted to it (don't get me wrong, I like the company and the people that work there - I just get bored because it is so different from what I used to do). I used to run a one person office where I did everything from the payroll & commission to entering orders to dispatching service calls to providing sales assistance to writing training manual to performing monthly inventory and inventory reconcillation to traveling to offices in the south and east coast to train other admin personnel. Lot's of diversity, lots of responsibility, lots of freedom. Now I'm just one of many and my main responsibility is trying to get all the data from my old company into the new company's data base. And my project is that I'm trying work out a commission process so that we'll have a better way of making sure that we're being paid correctly by our vendors who pay us on commission (currently we're basically just taking their word for it that they are paying us correctly!).