Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy it's the weekend

My week ended with the disturbing realization that I had made my payment for my home mortgage to Citibank Financial by mistake! I had to scramble around last night to adjust my budget (I have funds in savings - but I don't want to touch that account unless I absolutely have to) so that I could pay the mortgage company. Since my balance at Citibank was only $120, I had to call to request a refund of the remaining credit showing on the account - so I should get that back in about 2 weeks (funny how it only took 24 hours for them to get my online "mis" payment and cash it out, but it takes 2 weeks for them to give it back to me!).

Diet wise, I hanging in there! For some reason the last two days have been hard - but hard in an unusual way. Even though I'm eating and I'm not hungry, I have been having trouble getting in enough calories to stay in a "healthy" range. Thursday I think I finished up with 890 calories and yesterday I got stuck at 970 (Both days I had to drink an extra glass of milk to get it up as high as I did). Today I did much better with total calorie intake of 1204. But I can tell that I'm not getting in enough because I'm exhausted. (I got up at 6 this morning - which isn't that bad for a weekend. But then I went back to bed around 10 this morning for a short nap (I thought it was because I was cold and thought I would warm up if I crawled back into bed). My short nap lasted until 3 this afternoon. A part of me is thinking that the Graves could be getting ready to strike again at full force so I'll have to keep my eye on it.

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