Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Someone Lied!

I recently read a thread on skin tags on one of the sites that I visit. Cut them off yourself, it doesn't hurt. Yeah right! I went out this weekend and bought me a new pair of small scissors so that I could try to remove some skin tags. Last night I started my self-operation. After sterilizing the scissors I proceeded to snip at the first one. Pulling and laying it flat so that I could get it as close to the base as possible as the forum thread instructed. Snip. Hmmm - the scissors didn't cut through completely. Snip, Snip. Ouch, Ouch - it is pinching. Snip, snip, snip. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!! It really pinched, but after six snips I had cut the little monster off. And then came the blood!!! I must have bled for 12 hours straight because I know I went through a box of small round bandaids - on the ONE skin tag I managed to take off!! It burned last night and then today every time I moved in certain ways I could feel a small pull where it used to be. A few minutes ago I decided to check out my recently amputated skin tag (for all I knew it could still be bleeding!). I carefully peeled back the bandaid...only to find that either the skin tag has already grown back or I didn't cut it down as far as I thought I did because there it was waving at me!!

I am officially waiting until I win the lottery so that I can afford go to a dermatologist who can put me under while removing every skin tag on my body!! Anyone need a pair of scissors or a bottle of rubbing alcohol??

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