Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I've got good news and then more good news. For the first time in two weeks I am showing a loss!! 4.8 lbs!!! I was actually hoping for more than that (to help make up for the two indifferent weigh-in's) but I'll take it. And my "more good news" is that I thought I screwed up my count on my calories but when I actually figured up everything I'm still under 1500 calories (by 28!). It's always nice when you error in your favor!!!

While I was out Christmas shopping last weekend I found me a dog. No, it's not a real dog but it's sooooo cute! I live so far out that it wouldn't be fair to have a dog (I live in a townhouse so I couldn't even have a doggie door installed, not to mention that I just don't have the extra time I think dogs deserve). But back to Daisy...she's a small metal dog - her body is about a foot long and she has springs in her tail and her neck so that when you pet her she just pants and wags her tail! I have her sitting at the top of my stairs so that she greet me as I'm coming up and see me off as I'm leaving. If I ever find my digital camera I'll take a photo of her. (Can you imaging how I'd be if she were a real dog??!!)

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