Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It's time for me to see a shrink!

Good news. :( I lost 3.6 this past week. That is in fact good news, yet I'm not excited about it. I really was hoping to make up for the gain last week - in other words I really wanted to lose at least 5 lbs this past week. It was not to be and I should be grateful for the loss. I'm not grateful yet, but I'm sure the next time I have a small gain or an even smaller loss I will remember what an ungrateful bitch I was today and I will say thank goodness for that 3.6 lb loss! I think I need a shrink because I can't help comparing my loses with everyone else! I know that everyone loses at different rates. I know that my medication for the Graves Disease has slowed down my thyroid to an all time low so it's going to be harder for me to lose. And I know that it's not good to lose weight too fast anyway. But bottom line - I want the numbers to go down, and down fast!!!!

Food wise - I met a friend for dinner tonight. It was planned. And in my planning I knew that I would go over my maximum calorie limit today. I rode the bike for a full hour this morning to help offset some of the extra calories. I did 30 minutes of Kick Boxing when I got home to help burn even more of the extra calories. And (this is a biggie) I got in my 10,000 steps today!! And I just plugged in everything I ate today in my FitDay journal...

I only consumed 1340 calories!!!

So I didn't go over my 1500 max limit!!! Yeah me!!!!

Now I have to go name my cat. I never got around to spending my $100 from my last pity party (gosh, I'm getting good about pity parties) so tonight I bought myself a silly, tacky, stupid _______ (fill in your own adjective) gift. I love animals, but it wouldn't be fair to have a pet since I work so much and I live in a townhouse so I don't have a proper yard. Tonight I found one of those stuffed cats - you know the ones that from a distance actually looks like a cat but once you get close to it...well it looks like a stuffed animal. But this one had a twist (at least I had never seen it before) - it's little side goes up and down like she's breathing! I got the little orange Tabby and when she breaths it makes her stripes move - and you can see it even from across the room!!! I actually wanted the Golden Retriever puppy but they didn't have one in a box and I wanted the whole shebang! And now that I've seen the website I think I want one of the little Pugs or the Chihuahua's so I may end up spending my whole $100 on perfectpetzzzz's.

If you wanna see my little kitty go to Perfect Petzzz!

Hmmmm - I won't be buying another little tyke on-line. I only paid $28 for my little tabby. She must have been the runt of the litter. LOL


Anonymous said...

LOL, nikki's grandma got one of those for christmas, in dog form! too funny.


okay, now to put my pom poms away. seriously, woman, you're doing so well!

Anonymous said...

ps- my cat walked across the keyboard while I was writing to you. she must sense an animal lover. :)