Tuesday, May 01, 2007


This is my #1 Neopet, Baabett - ain't she a doll??? I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I'm addicted to a website call Neopets. I've been playing on that site for over 6 years now and even though they recently upgraded the site so that now NONE of my hard written HTML and CSS coding work and ALL of my detailed graphics won't work correctly, I still love the site! Unfortunately this week they added a game called Roodoku which is based on the game Sudoku...just with Neopet flavor. I swear everytime I get near the computer my mouse just heads on over to the site for another round of Roodoku - (I'm getting better at it) and I'm basically negelecting everything else!

Now on to real news...

1) I'm .2 (I really do have a love/hate relationship with this number!) away from my 75 lb. loss goal.
2) I only lost 5 lbs for the month of April. :(
3) I had my appointment with the Endocrinologist today. Unfortunately, the Graves Disease is not in remission so I have to continue taking the meds. :( The good news is that my T4 (I get the T's confused so that may not be the right one and I'm too lazy to walk downstairs!) remained the same - so at least I'm not any worse than I was back in December.
4) My arms still hurt from where they tried to get my blood pressure readings! They use the automated machine - all they do is put the cuff on and then press the start button. My BP is normally on the low end - and the hypothyroid also helps lower BP sometimes. So we spent about 15 minutes while the machine kept trying to re-read my BP because it wasn't ready to accept it. The machine finally spit out my readings. (89/58 in case you're interested. :)
5) I had given up, and was mentally already in the drivers seat revving the engine for Sulkfest 2007 because Dr. Shenoy didn't notice that I had lost weight. BUT then as we were packing up he said "Melissa, don't think that I haven't noticed that you've lost A LOT of weight - I just wanted to get all the test results out of the way before I commented on it....followed by a lot more blah, blah, blah it can be harder blah, blah, blah, blah, doing a great job blah, blah, blah, blah and keep up the good work!

Ok - I'm tired and I need to go try to beat my Roodoku score one more time!

Baabett's image: ©TM & © Neopets Inc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey darlin! I completely forgot about that site.. looks like they've added a lot of fun stuff since I was last there.. *scrambles to check it out and pretend she's working*

Sorry to hear about all the health BS. I don't know much about grave's disease, but I'm going to google it when I finish writing this comment.

YAY FOR THE DOCTOR NOTICING! You know, I think people notice more than they comment... there are two extremes. On the one side, we have crazy maniac people who think they can say whatever the hell they want, "Hey, did you gain weight?" (yep, I've gotten that a few times and it's just lovely) and then, on the other end of the spectrum, we have people who are so afraid of offending someone that they just don't say anything. And then somewhere on that spectrum there are the self absorbed people who just don't care... but we won't go into that one. heh heh.

Have a good weekend Melissa!