Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Week In Review

I've been exhausted all week. It's been all I can do to get through the work day. I haven't felt like cooking, I can't concentrate on books or TV and I've been having terrible mood swings. All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep. I was starting to think that I was going through some type of Post PMS but I just realized that I have only taken my meds three times this week! Grrrr! I'm not old enough to be that forgetful! Hopefully now that I've been reminded of the consequences of not taking my pills daily I will get back on track.

Diet wise - as I indicated above, I haven't felt like cooking this week. So I've eaten out 4 times this week. I've made good choices so the week hasn't been a failure - baked chicken and fresh veggies at two of the outings, veggies only at the third outing and then a small chili from Wendy's for the fourth outing. But eating at home would have been healthier and it would have saved me some money. I'm not doing that great with my exercise either. I've gotten in a hour a day of exercise - but every bit of it was on the stationary bike! And when I spend that much time on the bike I start getting bored. Boredom = lower level on the bike and less MPH which = less calories burned!

My focus points for the coming week - take my medication, cook my own food and make sure that I do different types of exercise this week!

P.S. I just watched a tape of the Oprah show (ok, I wasn't really watching it, but it was playing in the background). But I did listen enough to catch a saying that I absolutely adore!

"Trying is just a dignified failure"

I will succeed in my focus points for the coming week!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know all about the forgetting meds inspired moodswings!! It sounds like you did great this week anyway. I hope you know you're an inspiration!
