An Update For Those Who Live Vicariously Through Me
(Thanks Dana! I needed a laugh!)
This is my second attempt - I just typed a chapter, I swear it was a BIG chapter and my computer crashed!! So I'm going to type really fast so that I can get ready for Grey's Anatomy!
I've been in a pissy mood today because I received my 5th message from the legal firm that is representing my old company in a couple of lawsuits that some ex-employees have filed against them. First of all, all of that crap happened over 2 years ago. In that time it's been talked about so much that I couldn't tell you if I remember because I saw it or I remember because I heard other people talking about it. When the company sold off the Atlanta market to the company I work for now I lost access to the computer I used - and that computer had all the emails, spreadsheets and scanned documents that I would need to help me remember. But what really burns me is that they (the law firm for my ex-company) expects me to take time off work (which means that I would need to take vacation time) to drive to their office (which is 45 minutes from my office and 1-1/2 hours from home!) and my deposition should only take about 3 hours! That pretty much means that I have to take a full day off!!! To tell them "I don't remember", "I can't be sure" and "I don't know". And this is after I've already talked to them on the phone for two hours!!! And what really pissed me off is that they keep leaving the messages on my cell phone - I specifically told them that I only use my cell phone for emergencies. They used my home phone number to call me to talk about the case - why would they leave every message on my cell phone??? I literally use it for emergencies and to call my parents once or twice a month - the rest of the time I have it turned off!!! Wouldn't you think they would be smart enough to think "hmmmm, maybe I should try the home number"!!!
Moving on to another subject. I was trying to look up something in my old WW information so that I could answer a question for one of the members at the WW Online site. I found my membership books from 2003-2004 where I lost the 120 lbs. And I found the membership book from 2005 where I got kicked out of WW's. It was so strange looking at that book because I lost 61 lbs in 3 months! I really blew it! Not only did I gain back all of the weight from the 2003-2004 try, but I wasted some good months with the Graves disease - I could have really lost some major pounds while I was waiting for the test results to come back in and for the meds to slam the brakes on my thyrod. Now I'm hypo thanks to the meds and it's harder for me to lose - but never fear! I will succeed! And 50 lbs in 4 months isn't too shabby.
Ok, time to hit the road! I've started working on my annual bunny bags so I'll be cutting out feet while I'm watching Grey's tonight!
Good!! you finally updated! :)
That law firm has some nerve. As if you're the only one who can testify? That's ridiculous.
50 lbs in 4 months is greek goddess style!!!!!!!! Especially with all the health problems! You are my idol :)
You don't have to answer, but why'd you get kicked out of WW? Did they think you lost weight too fast?
I laugh about it now, but yes - the location I went to said that I was loosing too fast so I couldn't come back unless I had a note from my doctor. I didn't realize that the different meeting locations didn't share member data or I could have just started going to another location.
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