Sunday, February 25, 2007

On the 5th day...

Still up. :( But what really gets me is that for the second month in a row I'm not going to hit my monthly 10 lb loss goal - which means that I'm probably not going to reach the goal I set for October (niece's wedding).

On the good news side, I ate according to plan yesterday and I couldn't find anything that I really wanted to buy yesterday so I'm still $100 richer. I checked out another DVD at the library yesterday (this one is a boot camp kick boxing DVD) and did 40 minutes of it, along with 30 minutes of the yoga DVD and 30 minutes on the bike. So I can at least honestly say that I'm not losing because I'm not trying! So far today I've had 40 oz of water, an apple and a cup of milk. I've done 20 minutes of kickboxing and cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm going to work on some stuff that I brought home from work. Then I'll exercise some more and have a piece of the whole wheat pizza with veggies and ff parmasian cheese on it that I made (and froze) two weeks ago.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday Setback Surmount

For the 4th day in a row the scales are showing a gain for me. I really hoped that when I woke up this morning and stepped on the scale I would at least be back down to my official beginning weekly weigh-in weight but it wasn't to be. In the past (and I have to admit even last night) my thoughts would have turned to comfort food - if I'm going to gain then I should at least get the satisfaction of eating something "bad". And by now I would have been planning on what food I was going to indulge in. But I got up this morning and I've decided to comfort myself in some other way - a way that doesn't involve food. I'm going to exchange one bad habit for another bad habit....I'm going to go buy myself a non-edible present! I'm going to limit myself to $100, but I'm hitting the buy road!

As far as my weekly goals go I'm not doing great, but I'm not doing too badly either.

  • Meds - I've taken my meds every day (which could explain the gain since it is a anti-thyroid medication)
  • Exercise - I'm still getting in my 1 hour a day and not all of it was on the stationary bike (but honestly I still need to get off the bike more!). I checked out a yoga DVD from the library and includes 2 different levels for the different poses so I'm able to pick the level that works best for my decrepit body. And I purchased a cardio DVD from Walmart - it has 3 people doing the exercises at different levels so again I'm able to pick the one that works best for me.
  • Diet - I've done much better on the eating out this week. My original goal at the beginning of the year was to limit myself to eating out no more than 2 times per week and I've only eaten out once this week.
Now I'm off to spend money!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tuesday's Blather

Blather - to talk or utter foolishly, blither, babble. I love that word! Actually it could be believed that if there was a picture in the dictionary beside blather it would be yours truly! :D

I had a plumbing problem this weekend. (I'm talking toilet plumbing, not female plumbing). I hate owning a house because I can't stand worrying about all the things that could go wrong. But here I am - a homeowner. I decided to get up off of my butt and actually clean all the bathrooms here. So I poured the toilet bowl cleaner into the bowl, swished it around and went to flush. The water came up, and up, and up some more! It stopped right at the rim so at least I didn't have a mess on the floor. I couldn't (and still can't) imagine what could have been stopping it up because it was the one that is basically only used for company. My nifty little plunger did nothing to resolve the problem. So like a good girl, I shut the door. I have other bathrooms so why not just leave it alone and hope that it fixes itself - or at least leave it alone until the next batch of company comes to visit. Of course, the next morning I was filled with remorse not because anything awful happened overnight, but because as a homeowner it is my responsibility to get these things taken care of. So I pulled out the yellow pages with the intention of calling a plumber. But then I remembered that I'm actually kind of cheap. So last night I stopped at Home Depot and bought myself a auger. I love toys! You would have thought it would have been a disgusting situation with all kinds of gross things coming up out of the toilet but nothing repulsive came back up (a little loose TP, but that was it). It was like fishing in a small pond. I had so much fun that I went "fishing" in all three toilets even though I only had a problem with the one toilet. Me and my auger - what a team!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Week In Review

I've been exhausted all week. It's been all I can do to get through the work day. I haven't felt like cooking, I can't concentrate on books or TV and I've been having terrible mood swings. All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep. I was starting to think that I was going through some type of Post PMS but I just realized that I have only taken my meds three times this week! Grrrr! I'm not old enough to be that forgetful! Hopefully now that I've been reminded of the consequences of not taking my pills daily I will get back on track.

Diet wise - as I indicated above, I haven't felt like cooking this week. So I've eaten out 4 times this week. I've made good choices so the week hasn't been a failure - baked chicken and fresh veggies at two of the outings, veggies only at the third outing and then a small chili from Wendy's for the fourth outing. But eating at home would have been healthier and it would have saved me some money. I'm not doing that great with my exercise either. I've gotten in a hour a day of exercise - but every bit of it was on the stationary bike! And when I spend that much time on the bike I start getting bored. Boredom = lower level on the bike and less MPH which = less calories burned!

My focus points for the coming week - take my medication, cook my own food and make sure that I do different types of exercise this week!

P.S. I just watched a tape of the Oprah show (ok, I wasn't really watching it, but it was playing in the background). But I did listen enough to catch a saying that I absolutely adore!

"Trying is just a dignified failure"

I will succeed in my focus points for the coming week!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

An Update For Those Who Live Vicariously Through Me

(Thanks Dana! I needed a laugh!)

This is my second attempt - I just typed a chapter, I swear it was a BIG chapter and my computer crashed!! So I'm going to type really fast so that I can get ready for Grey's Anatomy!

I've been in a pissy mood today because I received my 5th message from the legal firm that is representing my old company in a couple of lawsuits that some ex-employees have filed against them. First of all, all of that crap happened over 2 years ago. In that time it's been talked about so much that I couldn't tell you if I remember because I saw it or I remember because I heard other people talking about it. When the company sold off the Atlanta market to the company I work for now I lost access to the computer I used - and that computer had all the emails, spreadsheets and scanned documents that I would need to help me remember. But what really burns me is that they (the law firm for my ex-company) expects me to take time off work (which means that I would need to take vacation time) to drive to their office (which is 45 minutes from my office and 1-1/2 hours from home!) and my deposition should only take about 3 hours! That pretty much means that I have to take a full day off!!! To tell them "I don't remember", "I can't be sure" and "I don't know". And this is after I've already talked to them on the phone for two hours!!! And what really pissed me off is that they keep leaving the messages on my cell phone - I specifically told them that I only use my cell phone for emergencies. They used my home phone number to call me to talk about the case - why would they leave every message on my cell phone??? I literally use it for emergencies and to call my parents once or twice a month - the rest of the time I have it turned off!!! Wouldn't you think they would be smart enough to think "hmmmm, maybe I should try the home number"!!!

Moving on to another subject. I was trying to look up something in my old WW information so that I could answer a question for one of the members at the WW Online site. I found my membership books from 2003-2004 where I lost the 120 lbs. And I found the membership book from 2005 where I got kicked out of WW's. It was so strange looking at that book because I lost 61 lbs in 3 months! I really blew it! Not only did I gain back all of the weight from the 2003-2004 try, but I wasted some good months with the Graves disease - I could have really lost some major pounds while I was waiting for the test results to come back in and for the meds to slam the brakes on my thyrod. Now I'm hypo thanks to the meds and it's harder for me to lose - but never fear! I will succeed! And 50 lbs in 4 months isn't too shabby.

Ok, time to hit the road! I've started working on my annual bunny bags so I'll be cutting out feet while I'm watching Grey's tonight!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Today it was snowing where I live. Snow - real snow - only happens here every two or three years. Normally what we get is wetness that freezes. So I got up at 4 so that I could leave by 5. Years ago I learned that I'm fine driving in snow and some ice as long as I have room to maneuver around. Leaving earlier, along with the fact that the majority of the people decided to stick tight to their home, gave me all the space that I needed. I actually only hit two bad areas. Now I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed that it stays above freezing (it was already 35 degrees driving home from work so I'm afraid that it might just slip below freezing). Needless to say, if it falls below freezing I will be going in late tomorrow because that will mean a lot of ice out there in the morning.

I had a rough day food wise. For the first time since Oct. 6th I went way over my calorie limit. With the exception of two days (where I overshot the 1500 limit by 20-50 calories) I have kept my calorie count below 1500 per day - and for the most part I average 1200- 1250 calories a day. Since we all made it in to work today the owner of the company I work for treated us to lunch at Applebee's. I should have gone with one of the items from the Weight Watchers menu, but I really wanted wings. So I ordered an appetizer order of the BBQ Boneless Wings. It was a huge serving, but I only ate 4 wings and the celery (not the ranch dressing) so it could have been worse. The rest I gave away to the skinny people that work in my office. (Everyone at my office is skinny - except you know who.) I plugged everything into my FitDay. (I had to try to recreate it since Applebee's doesn't offer nutritional information on any items except their WW items). Chicken wing, honey BBQ sauce, flour & egg to cover the "breaded" part of the wings, oil - lots of oil and it was a lot more than I had mentally figured! So today I've had my apple, celery, an instant oatmeal, carrots, 4 wings, a cup of milk and a WW Turkey frozen dinner (210 calories). And I've ended up around 1800 calories by my guesstimate (I did figure the wings on the high end so it may be a little less, but not much). There was a light at the end of the tunnel though - the wings had an effect on my digestive system so at least I'm not constipated any longer! LOL